Op dinsdag 11 april ontving de unit 7-8 gasten helemaal vanuit Amerika. Todd en Marc waren, als vertegenwoordigers van de Essential School, op uitnodiging van Stichting Flore in Nederland. De Sint Jan was één van de vier scholen die bezocht werden. Een moment van trots voor ons als team. Enkele kinderen van groep 8 hebben de rondleiding verzorgd, de hele groep heeft een dik compliment gekregen van Todd en Marc voor hun geweldige Engels, hieronder leest u het verslag van Romy over deze bijzondere middag.
In the morning we went to gym because if we would gym in the afternoon the American people just only saw 20 of us working. In the afternoon we went to work on office time, so the American people could see how we normally work in the morning. Luuk and I explaint 3 things to Todd and Marc: IPC substructure, portfoliompa and agenda and our office time. At the end of the afternoon we could do a Q&A and Todd and Marc told us someting about their school.
I thought it was really cool that they would come to our school because they are not from Holland. It was also really exciting to meet them because I thought I was going to screw it up but it went really good! Romy